Sunday Motivation – Brendon Burchard

“We must sustain hope in order to continue the march toward our dreams”–Brendon Burchard.

Some people in the QSC group felt disappointed this past week when they were not able to participate in the iPro Partners Program…maybe even you.   Maybe you had some other disappointments and challenges during the week.  We can not let these disappointments and challenges stop us from achieving our dreams and goals.  Brendon Burchard, one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world, says we need to sustain hope.

Our Sunday motivation this week is an outstanding video by Brendon discussing how to sustain hope to achieve our dreams.  He makes a great analogy…a power plant doesn’t have energy, it transforms and generates energy.  Similarly, we don’t have happiness, sadness or hope, we generate those emotions.  If we are not generating hope and happiness we have to charge ourselves up just like we plug in the phone to charge it up.

So how do we charge ourselves up with hope?  Brendon covers the 4 “P’s”…

  1. Perspective…Your challenges are small when you realize there are 7 billion people in this world.  Focus on some of the positive energy out there.  Expand your awareness, stroll outside in nature, watch people enjoying themselves, remember when things went well and realize you had strength then and believe you can do it again!
  2. Plan…You need a plan and your vision that will keep you going, even when you are frustrated.  In those frustrating moments you can chose to direct your focus to achieve your plan.  Sit down tonight with paper and pen and write down all you want to achieve, create, give, attract.  This is your  hope page.  Don’t forget to include all you are grateful for! Write down the steps to achieve these dreams.  If you fall on one of the steps, write a new step to get you back on track!
  3. Persistence…Don’t sit on the couch eating potato chips! Take charge of your life.  Do 3 things every day that will move your life forward… ready, study, talk to people, write, etc.  Say yes to what puts you closer to your dreams and so no to the things that won’t.
  4. Patience…You may feel like you’re always rushed and have nothing…but you do. Realize what you have and be patient with yourself and with the people that you work with.

You can get Brendon’s book, The Charge for free at and continue the motivation.

And you can go enjoy this video of Brendon Burchard as he speaks freestyle, filmed in one take without prompter or notes! (Ah, remember when we all made our videos back in week 2 of the QSC!)

Did this video motivate you? Please share your comments below!

About Barbara Dowling

Owner of Sunshine Global Marketing LLC offering products and services to help people grow their online business. Also help people with their insurance needs in Florida.
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8 Responses to Sunday Motivation – Brendon Burchard

  1. Thanks for posting this Barbara. You have to make time to step back and prepare for the tough times, especially if you work alone. As Brendon says you can become very myopic. No boss to tell you what to do sounds great, but there can be pitfalls and becoming and remaining discouraged is one of them.

    There’s truth in the Zig Ziglar quote “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
    David Wildash would like you to read…Quick Start Challenge ReviewMy Profile

  2. Gill Watkins says:

    Barbara, what a lovely and inspirational post. We must all keep up with the motivation and keep the momentum going. It can be easy to sit back so remembering where our motivation comes from is a must.
    Personally I have a small list of 2 – 4 things I will do each day, either learning, implementing or writing etc. Small steps that are achievable.

    Thanks again for sharing.
    Gill Watkins would like you to read…Perceptions And ImpressionsMy Profile

    • barbschallenge says:

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment Gil. Your daily small list is the method that seems to work best for me also. I can handle things better when you break them down into small action steps. If you say go build a pyramid it would seem impossible to me, but if it is broken down step by step with a daily action plan, the pyramid (ah, in this case our business :)) is built! It is the small steps that we take in growing our business that helps brand our business and build trust with our readers & clients as you discuss in your post Perceptions and Impressions.

  3. Ant Carter says:

    I love that you share my belief that having a plan is key to motivation over the longer term, I could not agree with you more.

    I identified this problem too, and am designing a solution to it – as my first digital information product. In case you are interested, the early bird page is up at – I have completed the report, which documents a Profit Mapping (planning) process, and am currently working on upsells and the members area.

    I thought this was as good a place to start as any in IM – because too many people ‘take action’ but don’t know where this action is taking them. This is a recipe for demotivation as they realise that progress is not being made towards their dreams.

    Keep up with your Sunday motivational posts Barbara – a weekly dose would be much appreciated!
    Ant Carter would like you to read…The 4 Biggest Content Curation Mistakes And How To Avoid ThemMy Profile

    • barbschallenge says:

      Another way of saying same thing…if you don’t have a goal you can’t reach it! You certainly have a goal by having the timer on your early bird page Ant! Looking forward to seeing the entire funnel! Seeing some of the action taken by the folks in the QSC 3.0 is helping to motivate me…learning much and taking the steps of what I learn and putting them into action. However, doing the Sunday motivation is for me too because it is easy to slip back! Appreciate your comments Ant!

  4. Cory says:

    Great post, Barb 🙂 it’s me again… Keep posting about motivation, we all need it 😉
    Cory would like you to read…How to Create a Landing PageMy Profile

    • barbschallenge says:

      Hi Cory…glad you liked my Sunday Motivation! I will keep it up because as you say we all need it and that includes me!

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